Passive Sentence
check the previous lesson that we have done; such as Indonesian sentence starters, Indonesian object focus sentences, simple Indonesian sentences, also Indonesian sentence structures. Well, today we have to learn the passive sentence in Indonesian. In here, You will be guided on how to make passive sentences in Bahasa Indonesia correctly. Below here are some requirements on how to make the passive sentence in Indonesia.
1. Active Sentence
The first sentence that could change into a passive sentence is an active sentence. The active sentence has a pattern like; Subject (in the first) then Predicate, Object and the last is Adverb. While the active sentence changed into a passive sentence usually it is expressed by the proposition “oleh” (by) the person (Subject).
One example of the active sentence into a passive sentence; Ayam itu dibeli oleh Pak Maman tadi pagi (That chicken was bought by Mr. Maman this morning). In here, the proposition of oleh (by) is to express the Subject.
2. Transitive Sentence
Second, the passive sentence can be build by the transitive sentence. The transitive sentence is a sentence with verb and it needs an object in the sentence, like this example of positive transitive sentence; Dia dapat memasak ayam di dapur (She can cook the chicken in the kitchen).
In this sentence we can look that beside the Predicate there is an object, so how does it turn into the passive sentence in Indonesia? In here the passive sentence will be separated by the proposition “oleh” like theactive sentence. Below here is passive transitive sentence in Indonesia;Ayam itu bisa dimasak olehnya di dapur (The chicken can be cooked by her in the kitchen).
3. The passive sentence with affix and prefix
The passive sentence in Indonesian can build with affix and prefix as well. We can use the affix ke-an and the prefix ter-. So, how can we build the passive sentence in Indonesia with some affix and prefix? Well, in here we have one example of the passive sentence with affix ke-an; Badanku kedinginan karena AC (My body suffered from the cold because air conditioner).
In here the affix ke-an is between the word of dingin; in here badanku kedinginan it means my body is cold (feeling cold) because air conditioner. Next, the passive sentence with prefix ter-; Anak itu terganggu oleh suara anjing (That child was disturbed by dog’s bark). This sentence has clear means that the child feel disturbed by the dog’s bark.
4. With the word
Next, the other ways, you can make the passive sentence in Indonesian with the word “kena”. Here is the example; Maling kena tembak oleh polisi kemarin (The thief was shooted by police yesterday).
The other example is Ikan lele kena tangkap oleh Deni tadi pagi (The catfish was caught by Deni this morning). At the end of the sentence there is the word of oleh (by) and it is expressed the Subject also like the previous point.
5. For the person
Finally, in making Indonesian passive sentences there are rules that apply, that the rule of changing active sentences into passive sentences only applies if the subject is the third person. Here is one example of active sentences that are converted into passive forms 1 and 2; the following is the active sentence; Kamu menulis surat (You write a letter).
The first passive sentence is; Surat telah ditulis oleh kamu (The letter was written by you). Next, the second passive form of this is Surat itu kamu tulis (The letter was written by you). The form of both passive sentence in Indonesian is really different, but they have a similar meaning.
Below is another example of a passive sentence as explained at the previous points. May with this, you can understand more about passive sentences in Indonesian.
The example of passive sentence in Indonesian
- Sepatu itu dicuci oleh ibu kemarin (The shoes was cleaned by mother yesterday).
- Pekerjaan rumah itu dapat dikerjakan oleh Ani (The homework can be did by Ani).
- Dina kehabisan uang (Dina ran out of money).
- Aku terpukau olehnya (I was fascinated by him).
- Pria itu kena pukul oleh penjahat tadi malam (The man was hit by a criminal last night).
- Pak Salman kena tipu orang itu (Mr. Salman was cheated by that person)
Hopefully, the passive sentence in Indonesian could useful for you who learn Bahasa Indonesia. With this ways, now we can make many sentences of passive sentences in Indonesian. So, how is it? Is it not difficult right? With full of workhard, then you can make a passive sentence in Indonesian easily.